Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hi, I'm Teri Hirlinger and your instructor for TCOM 2113. I've been in the OSU system for 12 years. I'm the Distance Education Coordinator here at OSU-OKC and an adjunct faculty member for Business Technology teaching Tech Writing.

I'm starting my Ph.D in Online Teaching and Training and love this mode of teaching! I, like many of you, have a life outside of work and school. Learning and teaching online is excellent for me because it gives me the flexability I need 24/7.

I have 3 children, Taylor (male) who is 24 and just graduated from the University of Georgia,
Skyler (female), who is 17 and is oh so much more knowledgeable about life than her mother, (yeah right!), and Blayze (male), my 5 year-old midlife surprise who has been a godsend to me. Here is a picture of them...

Feel free to tell me how I can make this course interesting and relevant to you. I want you to be better writers after leaving this course than you were when you started.

Looking forward to working with all of you this semester!



At 6:28 PM, Blogger Teri Hirlinger said...

Please forgive me for being so dense that I didn't give you any instructions and any reason on why we are using "blogging" as an assignment in this course. This is only the second semester that I have used this avenue for discussion. It is as new to me as it is to you. One really great thing about "blogging" is that it makes you better writers.

Each week you will have a reflective blogging assignment. Blogging is a required part of this course, and the place where you will post much of your writing for this class. It is a place in which you will practice the conventions of technical communication, and equally importantly, writing for the web. Consequently, your posts will be evaluated both on the content and the degree to which you apply the conventions of web writing, grammar, and style. Think of this as your personal, public writing journal for this class where most of your work is collected and available for others to read.

You can reach the class blog by going to You can post an entry (and also reach the class blog) by going to and setting up yourself an account and logging in.

Weekly Reflections are due by midnight Sunday. Although if you post something early Monday morning, it usually won't be a problem, unless I get started checking the site really early on Monday morning. If you are going to be a little late with something, just let me know. If you are late alot, it will be a problem.

These weekly reflections are one of several ways I invite you to share responsibility for your success in this course.

With this weekly reflection blog, you are helping me understand your performance in the course for the week and what we might need to cover "more" or "less" in future classes. By "performance," we will mean more than "what I did." In addition to what you accomplished in visible, measurable ways, you'll also help me understand your learning for the week (or lack of). What did you learn, how, and why is it useful or not? Further, you can use these reflections to discuss the course with me, offering suggestions, comments, and linking to a story or a website that you thing is informative. These are meant to be reflective, which to me means re-seeing / re-thinking about what happened during the week. Reflection also has a meta-cognitive aspect, too. In these reflections, you are in effect reporting on your learning about learning technical writing. (no, this is not a misprint). We'll discuss this more as we progress.

Each week, you can earn a maximum of 10 points for your reflection blog.

Note: Whenever you post, you must use your first name and the initial of your last name if you want to get credit (when you post your own entry, it should happen automatically). Since the blog is public, we will probably soon have comments from readers around the world who have just found our blog. So unless it has your name on it, I will not assume it is you.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Teri Hirlinger said...

Lindy, You are such a “cut-up”! I can tell I am going to have a bunch of “yahoo’s” to work with this semester! Love your introductions! I have started a “new post” for week 3.


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